Work With With Us
Utilize our shopping board and share with friends tools to earn on your recommendations! Our shopping board tool allows you to create a storefront where you can add your favorite products and earn when others shop. Our share with friends tools creates affiliate links for you to share and earn on! You can share affiliate links on your website, social media channels and blog to earn cash back.

Why This Matters?
With our tools, you can add another revenue stream to your business. As home stagers, realtors and designers, you are constantly sharing your finds/recommendations with others and you should get paid for those recommendations!

Work With With Us
Utilize our shopping board and share with friends tools to earn on your recommendations! Our shopping board tool allows you to create a storefront where you can add your favorite products and earn when others shop. Our share with friends tools creates affiliate links for you to share and earn on! You can share affiliate links on your website, social media channels and blog to earn cash back.

Why This Matters?
With our tools, you can add another revenue stream to your business. As home stagers, realtors and designers, you are constantly sharing your finds/recommendations with others and you should get paid for those recommendations!

shop millions of products + earn cash back

How it works
Simply sign up for Chirpyest, download our browser extension and start shopping for clients or yourself! Our browser extension automatically lets you know when cash back is available when visiting a retailer's site. Simply activate cash back and shop as you normally would. You can also add to your shopping board and create share links from the browser extension.
What Our Partnership Includes

IAHSP Partnerships are selected based on value provided and exclusivity to our members and the community we serve.
In order to qualify as an IAHSP® Partner, our partners must meet strict requirements for providing our members with the most value and highest quality of service. Along with exclusive access to features, programs or member only discounts. Our partnership means that you will receive the highest quality customer service and highest level of expertise when seeking funding and funding options for your business.