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Preamble - The Code of Ethics has been adopted by IAHSP® to protect the public, IAHSP® Community Group Members, and IAHSP® International professional standards. Members of IAHSP® Community Groups are required to conduct their business in a professional and ethical manner that will gain respect of clients, all Professionally Trained Home Stagers, Real Estate Professionals and Designers and others in the community.  It is the responsibility of every member of the IAHSP® International to comply with the Code of Ethics as defined below.



  • Members should be candid and truthful in all professional communications.

  • Members shall not undertake any professional responsibility unless qualified and prepared to perform their work competently.

  • Members shall not discount their fees to compete with a Community Group member colleague.

  • Members shall not interfere with an existing business relationship between a client and any other Community Group member.

Inclusivity & Diversity:

IAHSP® welcomes all stagers regardless of race, sexual orientation, background, political affiliation, and/or age. No members shall be discriminated against or treated differently based on these factors.  We encourage members from minority backgrounds to join the SIDC – Staging Industry Diversity Coalition – to have input on our SIDC Initiatives. 

Freedom of Expression: 

IAHSP® does not condone or support acts of violence or rioting as a form of demonstration. IAHSP® does support peaceful protests where individuals are expressing their First Amendment Rights of Freedom of Speech.  We support all members no matter their political, religious, or economic beliefs and will not support the restriction of speech for any members who may have views that are contrary to popular opinion. No member shall be silenced for their views, expressed freely, and IAHSP® does not support censorship of individuals.

Social Media:

If a member is being targeted, silenced, bullied or attacked verbally or physically for their views, IAHSP® will swiftly act to mediate the situation, that may ultimately result in the removal of the instigator from our association membership, or initiate cease and desist orders towards the perpetrator. Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression are Constitutional Rights of all Americans and IAHSP® does not require nor support the idea that all people must universally agree on political or economic issues, nor label anyone racist, biased or any other derogatory terminology.  Opinions expressed by members, chapter board members and/or international board members of IAHSP® are their own personal opinions and do not necessarily represent opinions of the association. IAHSP® is not responsible for content posted by our members on their personal profiles.




  • Members shall not endorse or misrepresent an individual known to be unqualified.

  • Members shall not solicit, encourage, or support any breach of professionalism or any IAHSP® policy among their peers.

  • Members shall not engage in any form of misleading promotional activities or false advertising.

  • Members shall not cause injury to the reputation of another member.


Intellectual Property

  • Members shall use photographs for marketing purposes and are encouraged to obtain written permission of the homeowner and/or the professional photographer, and/or IAHSP® if the pictures have come from the IAHSP® website.  

  • Members may take credit for their work only.


Conflicts of Interest

  • Members shall not make available nor sell IAHSP® information or any other information intended for members only to any individual or entity (including mailing lists or electronic lists) that could be considered a conflict of interest for IAHSP®.

  • Members shall not hold the position of IAHSP® Board Member at the same time they are serving as a board member of any other industry association without express written permission from IAHSP® International.



  • Members shall honor all business contracts, agreements, and commitments.


  • Members shall not divulge confidential and/or copy-written information from the IAHSP® website or resources from events.  Use of information on the IAHSP® websites are only for IAHSP® members in good standing.  IAHSP® members agree to adhere to the ethics standards set forth by their training organization/Staging designation.


ETHICS:  Conflicts and ethical questions are to be resolved within Community Groups and its designated representative working with members to resolve conflicts.  

Renew your commitment to …

  • Is it truthful?

  • Is it honorable?

  • Is it fair?

  • Is it confidential?

  • Is it original?

  • Is it informed?

  • Is it complete?

  • Is it beyond reproach?

  • Does it promote understanding?

  • Does it benefit others?

  • Does it reflect well on our local IAHSP® Community Group and IAHSP® International?


If perceived ethics violations and conflicts cannot be resolved within a Community Group, a designated Community Group representative may bring the issue to the IAHSP® President and the International IAHSP® Ethics Director for resolution of the issue.  Members are urged to keep confidential all matters discussed to preserve reputations of all involved. The Ethics Director will review written claims and respond to the participants.  They will allow participants thirty days to respond to the Ethics Director. All parties are expected to cooperate and facilitate the review process with intent of conflict resolution. Failure to respond to the committee's request will result in immediate forfeiture of member benefits for a minimum of thirty days.


Upon completion of the review, the IAHSP® President and the IAHSP® Ethics Director will recommend appropriate action to the IAHSP® Community Group Representative and to Chairperson of IAHSP® International, the President of IAHSP® International.  Action may include informal reprimand, formal reprimand with warning, or temporary or permanent forfeiture of member benefits and the IAHSP® Community Group - sponsored opportunities. With approval from the above parties the IAHSP® Community Group Representative will expedite any disciplinary action recommended by the IAHSP® International Ethics Director. All inquiries remain confidential. 

International Association of Home Staging Professionals® (IAHSP®) is a trademark of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals®.  All rights reserved. 

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