Du er inviteret til at være gæst på Home Staging Talk LIVE
Lad os hjælpe med at få dine seneste meddelelser, produkter og tjenester foran vores netværk
IAHSP-medlemmer bærer mange hatte og arbejder i en lang række brancher.
Vores medlemmer omfatter Home Stagers, Ejendomsmæglere, Detailhandel, Korttidsudlejning, Indretning, General Contracting, Fix & Flip, Coaching, Consulting og meget mere.
Vi inviterer dig til at være gæst i vores show for at dele dine seneste meddelelser, produkter og tjenester med vores globale medlemskab.
Alle afsnit er forudindspillet via Zoom.
Hvert segment er kun 5-10 minutter langt. Efter ansøgningen vil du blive omdirigeret til en planlægningsapp, hvor vi vil bede dig om at give et (1) emne eller en meddelelse, der skal diskuteres i showet.
Episoder er kortformede og inkluderer reklamepauser. Vi er glade for at præsentere dig på vores show, og ser frem til at give vores netværk den værdifulde information, du helt sikkert kommer med.
Hvad er involveret i at gæste?
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Hvordan vil dette blive filmet?
The episodes will be filmed either LIVE or pre-recorded via our online platform. We will provide a link for you to share, based on your availability. You will be able to invite a set number of additional guests - providing the information to us in advance so we can promote the episode(s).
Hvor lange er segmenterne?
Your portion of the segment is 15-30 minutes in length. During scheduling, you will be asked to provide a topic. Your topic could be an announcement, a product update, a service update, or industry news. During filming, you will be introduced and dive right into the topic you provided.
Hvad hvis jeg bliver nødt til at annullere?
We understand that things come up. We do ask for your commitment when booking. But, if you must cancel, we do offer one (1) make up filming date. If you are not available on that date, then we may need to reschedule filming with another host. If that is the case, we will send instructions for rescheduling.
Er disse filmet LIVE?
They will be LIVE for some segments and pre-recorded. Pre-Recorded episodes allow us to edit the videos and insert commercials and advertisements. This also means that you will be able to create episodes and then go back to focusing on your business and commitments. We will edit the videos and them air them to Facebook as though they are LIVE. In the film industry, this is called "Live to Tape". On the days that your episode airs, you are welcome to post comments and engage your audience. We also encourgae your guests to watch and comment when their episode airs.