Du er inviteret til at være vært for Home Staging Talk LIVE
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Hvis vi er et fællesskab, så skal vi lede som et fællesskab.
Vi vil gerne have dig til at være vært for Home Staging Talk LIVE!
Lad din personlighed skinne. Stil de spørgsmål, der betyder noget for din afdeling og lokale virksomheder.
Giv det videre til næste kapitel!
Det er rigtigt! Vi vil rotere værterne for talkshowet nogensinde otte (8) afsnit. Giver dig muligheden for at være en del af showet, hvilket skaber lokal interesse og emner. Så sender vi kameraet videre til næste kapitel, så de kan få deres øjeblik foran kameraet.
Du vil ikke være alene!
Fra nu af vil episoder blive optaget på forhånd, med optagelsesdage begrænset til 2-3 dages indholdsoptagelse.
Vi hjælper med at stille oplægsholdere og gæster op. Men du vil også være i stand til at invitere indflydelsesrige mennesker fra dine lokale markeder til at deltage i showet.
Efter optagelserne vil vi redigere, reklamere for reklamer og sjov grafik og planlægge LIVE-udsendelsen af dine afsnit, så du kan dele og invitere dit netværk til at se og lære af dine episoder,
Vi vil gerne vise vores samfund frem. Og hvem er bedre til at gøre det end vores fantastiske IAHSP-kapittelledere?
Lad os bygge IAHSP sammen!
Hvad er involveret i hosting?
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Hvad er det for dig?
Byg fællesskab
Hosting the Home Staging Talk Show is a great way to feature your business, connections you have, and bring exposure to other leaders within IAHSP. This is a great way to showcase yourself your guests on a global scale.
Uddannelse og træning
Hosting the Home Staging Talk Show gives you the opportunity to host the conversations of value, share your information with your local and global market and audience. This is a great way to infuse your thoughts on what is needed in the industry and community.
Partnerskaber og globale mærker
Hosting the Talk Show is a great way to get connected with our national and international brands, as well as providing local partnerships with an opportunity to be featured in front of a global audience.
Del dine tanker
This is a great opportunity to share with the entire IAHSP network what you and your guests value. You hold the microphone, and the conversation is yours. This is your opportunity to share with us, where you and your guest see the industry heading.
Hvordan vil dette blive filmet?
The episodes will be filmed using the IAHSP live broadcast account. We will provide a link for you to share, based on your availability. We will schedule several speakers for you. You will be able to invite a set number of additional guests - providing the information to us in advance so we can promote the episode(s).
Hvor mange afsnit skal jeg filme?
You will film 1 - 4 episodes. The episodes are live unless otherwise arranged with IAHSP and the guest being interviewed. We have a platform you will utilize and will set up the broadcast session for you.
Skal jeg invitere lokale gæster?
We highly encourage that you do. This is a great way to feature local businesses and resources in your market. It provides a great teachable moment for other markets to learn from you and your market. The guests you invite do not need to be "local". You are welcome to invite anyone you choose. They are your guests, and this is your show for the episode(s). If you would like to invite someone from outside of your market, you are more than welcome too.
Er disse filmet LIVE?
Yes. The shows are typically broadcast LIVE. We can pre-record them as needed based on your/your guests' schedules. The content will have post-production editing as needed, and content may be repurposed on other platforms. If session are pre-recorded, we will edit the videos and them air them to our streaming platforms as though they are LIVE. In the film industry, this is called "Live to Tape". On the days that your episode airs, you are welcome to post comments and engage your audience. We also encourgae your guests to watch and comment when their episode airs.