Jack Samatov
Relentless Software Solutions LLC
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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.
The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features.
Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.
Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
Q. Merci d'avoir pris le temps de vous asseoir avec nous pour partager votre histoire avec nos lecteurs. Pouvez-vous commencer par nous parler un peu de vous et de votre entreprise ?
Thanks for having me. My name is Jack Samatov. I am the CEO and founder of a software services company called Relentless Software Solutions, which specializes in rental software integrations. My career path has gone from software engineer to inventor and to entrepreneur. All of my work, inventions, and businesses focused on innovative software products. We combined our decades of experience in the inventory rental market to create a new rental eCommerce platform called EasyRentals that allows launching a rental eCommerce storefront and start renting unused inventory in a day.
Q. Tout le monde a une histoire sur la façon dont ils ont commencé, quelle a été l'inspiration ou le catalyseur pour vous de démarrer votre entreprise ?
In 2005, my brother and I established the first US software development company outsourcing to Uzbekistan. In 18 years, it is now the largest, most successful, and only globally focused software development outsourcer in Uzbekistan. A conglomerate of 12 companies grew around this core business, and Relentless Software Solutions is a US-based service provider focused on the rental market and have spent many years building customizations and integrations for third-party software as well as our own rental platform, EasyRentals
Q. Quels services proposez-vous ? Et pourquoi avez-vous choisi d'offrir ces services particuliers ?
We offer a broad range of software development and management services but are focused on rental software integrations because there is no one else in terms of your audience. Our relevant service is EasyRentals for Stagers which is a mechanism for stagers to rent out idle furniture inventory and browse the inventory of other stagers or external vendors when they need to rent a specific piece of furniture for one specific project.
Q. Avez-vous déjà eu un projet ou un client, où tout allait mal ou le projet était difficile ? Pouvez-vous nous parler de cette époque et comment avez-vous trouvé une solution ou surmonté le défi ?
Have you ever heard of a software development project that did NOT have challenges? The challenge is not the technology, the technology works, and computers do exactly what we tell them to…The problem is always a function of communication. Sometimes it is the communication between humans and machines in terms of either the user interface or errors in coding, but more often, the problem is human-to-human communication of the product vision or the product vision changing over time. This is why we developed a rental business in a box that avoids all those communications pitfalls. The storefront is templated so the user can just upload their product data.
des marques que tout home stager devrait connaître
Q. Diriger une entreprise n'est pas toujours facile. Qu'avez-vous appris sur vous-même et sur votre entreprise depuis le lancement de votre entreprise ?
I called the business Relentless because that is a quality I highly value in myself, others, and my business. I have come through lots of challenges and adversity in my life by simply being relentless in my efforts…and that approach resonates with me and works well for me…but what I have learned through running the business is that flexibility, agility, and adaptability are just as important as relentlessness and that people who think differently than I do can and must make critical contributions to our success.
Q. Nous avons tous eu un employé ou un client qui fait que ce que nous faisons en vaut la peine. Pouvez-vous partager avec nous l'histoire d'un employé, d'un fournisseur ou d'un client qui vous a vraiment marqué et touché votre cœur ?
One of my longtime clients told my market research company that they would not switch teams even if we failed the project because they love us. I never thought that such a customer retention method existed until I heard that recording.
Q. Si vous pouviez remonter dans le temps et vous donner des conseils sur la façon de gérer ou de développer votre entreprise, quels conseils vous donneriez-vous ?
I would have told myself not to doubt and follow my intuition.
Q. Si un client potentiel lisait cet article en ce moment, que lui diriez-vous de vous, de votre équipe ou de votre entreprise qui le convaincrait de choisir votre entreprise ?
We are relentless. We don’t give up until the job is done and done well. We have over 200 developers experienced in rental eCommerce and inventory management software, and we understand how to apply technology to enhance customer and employee experience by bringing efficiency and automation to any equipment rental business.
Q. Quel est un fait à propos de vous ou de votre entreprise que la plupart des gens ignorent peut-être ?
I am a yellow belt in Kung Fu.
Q. Où voyez-vous votre entreprise aller dans les 5 ou 10 prochaines années ?
Bringing machine learning, large language model AI, and all sorts of other new technologies into our solutions, but the objective won’t change. We apply technology to improve rental businesses for customers, operators, and the environment.
Q. C'était tellement formidable d'être assis avec vous pour en savoir plus sur vous et votre entreprise. Comment les gens peuvent-ils en savoir plus sur vous et votre entreprise ?
Our website is relentless.agency, and my email is jack@relentless.agency
Q. Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé votre histoire avec les articles de l'IASHP !
Thank you for this opportunity.