Jeff Martin
of Mint Home Staging Company
Publié le :
19 novembre 2022
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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.
The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features.
Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.
Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
Q. Merci d'avoir pris le temps de vous asseoir avec nous pour partager votre histoire avec nos lecteurs. Pouvez-vous commencer par nous parler un peu de vous et de votre entreprise ?
I’ve been a Realtor for 19 years and started out my career working with some of the larger home builders as a sales agent. I worked closely with the design center and would spec homes and help with model home projects. I always loved the design aspect of the model homes and those years of working in the industry helped train me for my business today. My wife and I started Mint Home Staging Company after never being happy with the local stagers we would hire for my real estate listings. We saw a need and fulfilled it.
Q. Tout le monde a une histoire sur la façon dont ils ont commencé, quelle a été l'inspiration ou le catalyseur pour vous de démarrer votre entreprise ?
As a Realtor, I was never happy with the stagers I would hire to stage my listings. I thought, “I can do this much better & for even less cost”. I purchased my first home worth of inventory in my CA Modern Style we are know for and staged one of my vacant listings. It was a hit and sold with multiple offers and had other agents ask who staged it…that lead to several other staging jobs and the journey began!
Q. Quels services proposez-vous ? Et pourquoi avez-vous choisi d'offrir ces services particuliers ?
We do vacant home staging. We help buyers fall in love with the space with our on trend look & design.
Q. Avez-vous déjà eu un projet ou un client, où tout allait mal ou le projet était difficile ? Pouvez-vous nous parler de cette époque et comment avez-vous trouvé une solution ou surmonté le défi ?
We have had a few home owners say they were not the biggest fan of a couch we used or a look of a staging install and wanted it changed. We reminded them that we are the experts and they hired us to do a job, asked them to trust us and we know what we are doing…the home looks great and is on style for what buyers want today, it might not be your style and that’s ok…we are not staging the home for you to like but are staging it to appeal to the buyers that will be walking it. Sure enough, we got fantastic feedback on the staging and the home buyers actually purchased the home furnished with all of our furniture at a package bulk deal.
des marques que tout home stager devrait connaître
Q. Diriger une entreprise n'est pas toujours facile. Qu'avez-vous appris sur vous-même et sur votre entreprise depuis le lancement de votre entreprise ?
No one will work as hard as you on your business, work hard and smart and you will be successful. Find a need and fill it!
Q. Nous avons tous eu un employé ou un client qui fait que ce que nous faisons en vaut la peine. Pouvez-vous partager avec nous l'histoire d'un employé, d'un fournisseur ou d'un client qui vous a vraiment marqué et touché votre cœur ?
We love it when clients come to us for help. We have had many sellers have their homes sit on the market vacant and won’t sell, we stage them and they sell within a week. The sellers are always so thankful and wish they would have staged it at the very beginning!
Q. Si vous pouviez remonter dans le temps et vous donner des conseils sur la façon de gérer ou de développer votre entreprise, quels conseils vous donneriez-vous ?
Spend more money on online ad spend and you can grow as fast as you like.
Q. Si un client potentiel lisait cet article en ce moment, que lui diriez-vous de vous, de votre équipe ou de votre entreprise qui le convaincrait de choisir votre entreprise ?
We know what a beautifully staged home looks like that will help sell a home for top dollar and in the shortest amount of time.
Q. Quel est un fait à propos de vous ou de votre entreprise que la plupart des gens ignorent peut-être ?
I am a male running a business in a mostly female dominated field. I am the lead designer, inventory purchaser, secretary, bidder and installer.
Q. Où voyez-vous votre entreprise aller dans les 5 ou 10 prochaines années ?
Slowly growing and possibly expanding into a few new markets in TN & FL.
Q. C'était tellement formidable d'être assis avec vous pour en savoir plus sur vous et votre entreprise. Comment les gens peuvent-ils en savoir plus sur vous et votre entreprise ?
Just go to our website MintHomeStagingCompany.com and you can find our social media badges right on the header to see our most recent work.
Q. Merci beaucoup d'avoir partagé votre histoire avec les articles de l'IASHP !
My pleasure!