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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.

The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features. 

Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.

Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
C. Go raibh maith agat as an am a ghlacadh chun suí linn chun do scéal a roinnt lenár léitheoirí. An féidir leat tosú amach trí roinnt a roinnt fút féin agus faoi do chuideachta?

My name is Dave, and I own a freelance writing business called SolutionsDH that helps small and medium-sized companies generate professional content that gives their brand confidence.

My back story is that I come from a varied business background, almost into its 4th decade; I am very lucky to have been at this for a long time. My career got rolling when I got into the suburban and daily newspaper business in metro Denver (a million years ago). Back then, it seemed like every day was "the college of hard knocks" of being in a competitive sales and media fire-fight.

Some days you win, some days you lose, hopefully, you racked up more victories than losses. When I think about those times, I laugh about the crazy and varied characters I met along the way. It makes you tough as nails. I have some interesting stories with villains and heroes.

Anyway, I then parlayed those experiences into working as a road warrior traveling four days a week in 37 U.S. markets for a large newspaper group based out of Irvine, CA. I managed the digital real estate marketing-sales category for the entire group. After that, I worked with over 400 agents for Trulia, a Zillow Company, helping them attract more qualified lead action.

Soon after that, I joined for almost five years helping local dealer franchises digitally market new and used vehicles. What an unbelievably great company; they are still around today.

Where am I going by telling you all of this? All of us are the net sum of all of our experiences whether you like it or not. My varied experiences got me into the freelance writing and marketing business as a boot-strapped start-up. I wouldn't have it any other way.

C. Tá scéal ag gach duine faoin gcaoi ar thosaigh siad, cad é an inspioráid nó an chatalaíoch duit chun do ghnó a thosú?

A business partner and I co-founded an ad agency four years ago that we currently operate today called Align2Compete. Anyone knows that when you start a business, you are wearing a lot of hats like all of them. And during the Pandemic, we thought it was a great time to build a solid content footprint for our agency because we did not have one, not much else was going on.

So I was doing a ton of writing, editing, and image curation. I had fun doing it. I was also doing a lot of research to back up our story arguments with evidence. When a business decides to add content you also have to spend the time to decide what you think your audience wants to hear about from you? It's kind of a project.

It was my baby to build this content, it really was not my business partner's forte. He was great with ideas but I was excited to polish our ideas into messaging we would be proud of.

The consistent feedback I got on our stories and layouts were fantastic and then it hit me that I could turn content creation into a side hustle for other business like ours. This is not everyone's cup of tea but I enjoy the process.

So about a year ago, I launched the SolutionsDH brand and website helping new clients.

C. Cad iad na seirbhísí a thairgeann tú? Agus cén fáth ar roghnaigh tú na seirbhísí áirithe sin a thairiscint?

I do ghost-written blog articles from 700 - 1,500 words that businesses can post on their websites and LinkedIn and Facebook. I build eBooks and infographics that tell a more visual story. I do website copy, landing page, and email script copy. I will even do a deeper dive with a full-blown White Paper that is 15 pages with proper sourcing, images, and plagiarism complete checking.

I chose those things to offer because they highlight my skills in page layout design, image curation, and generating emotion based on the ideas you see. I do a bunch of reading each day about a variety of topics and I take note of those that do story telling well and those that don't.

There is a lot of crappy writing out there and poor story composition. Open A.I. and ChatGPT is not going to change least not yet. You need an editor and human fact-checker no matter what smart high-tech tools you are using.

Using pure A.I. generated content without an editor looking over it for context or nuance could damage your business's reputation or worse yet, get you in a high-dollar lawsuit.

C. An raibh tionscadal nó custaiméir agat riamh, áit a raibh gach rud ag dul amú nó an raibh an tionscadal dúshlánach? An féidir leat a roinnt faoin am sin, agus conas a d'aimsigh tú réiteach, nó an bhfuair tú an dúshlán a shárú?

Oh yeah, I had a guy once that wanted me to do a makeover his LinkedIn profile. He wanted it to look kind of like mine as far as having meaningful content and how it was organized. So we got to work but he did not give me a lot of meat to work from. It's not that he was not a polished professional, he actually was very good at what he did and was respected by his company.

I really like this client, but the creation process was draining because we had to do it as a live interview, as was his style. He did not want to feed me any written bullet points (it's really helpful), everything was coming fast as he spoke.

It was like a 2.5 hour meeting, my head hurt but together we hammered out what makes him unique and I was able to log onto his LinkedIn profile, make the changes and make him look like the rock star that he was.

I also had a full-stack software company I worked with that needed to take his blog footprint on his website from zero to kick-ass in a short time. The challenge here is that he had some great stories to tell and examples with client case studies about a topic I did not know much about (software development). He had specifics in very technical terms and it was my challenge to tell his story in an understandable business context that most can follow.

I got past this by asking him a lot of "why" questions about the industry buzz-word terms he was using and how his bullet point ideas related to the core idea of the story we were writing. Many times you write a connecting narrative around the idea and get collaboration that the context is correct with the client. Our joint collaboration gave him several fresh content articles he got many compliments on.

brandaí ba chóir go mbeadh a fhios ag gach stager baile

C. Ní bhíonn sé éasca i gcónaí gnó a reáchtáil. Cad atá foghlamtha agat fút féin agus faoi do ghnó, ó seoladh do chuideachta?

Running a business is all about confidence. Confidence that the solution you sell really does improve someone's situation. When you start out your business, you think you know exactly what people need and the core service you are going to deliver. It always changes though because markets and situations change. Therefore what people need from you evolves.

My favorite question to ask clients is why did you choose me and what is it specifically you value the most about what I do? The answers sometimes surprise me in that you learn new things.

The other thing I have learned is that it takes time to hone and refine your business's unique brand promise. Can you define it in one sentence and message it simply? And the flip side to this is that you cannot be all things to all people so are you as a business able to identify your unique customer prospects as if they were a cardboard cutouts in your office?

C. Bhí fostaí nó custaiméir againn go léir agus is fiú go mór an méid atá á dhéanamh againn. An féidir leat scéal a roinnt linn faoi fhostaí, díoltóir nó custaiméir a chuaigh i bhfeidhm go mór ort agus a chuaigh i dteagmháil le do chroí?

I have a full vendor team of seasoned pros. Meaning that they do what they say they are going to do, are transparent, and there are no negative surprises. I do not have employees, I have to count on my vendors to deliver on time, it's important.

C. Dá bhféadfá dul siar in am agus comhairle a thabhairt duit féin ar conas do ghnó a bhainistiú nó a fhás, cén chomhairle a thabharfá duit féin?

Get involved early in a variety of local networks so that you can interact with people face-to-face. You learn a lot from each other, even from friendly competitors. I love talking with other marketing agencies and content people. In many cases, they do things you do not do, and vice-versa, it can be a source of business.

C. Dá mbeadh cliant ionchasach ag léamh an ailt seo faoi láthair, cad a déarfá leo fút féin, faoi d’fhoireann nó faoi do ghnó a chuirfeadh ina luí orthu do chuideachta a roghnú?

I would tell you that my specialty is writing about marketing, consumer buying experiences, advertising, business trends, and sales. If you hire me as your freelance writer, know that there are most likely very few business scenarios that I have yet to experience first-hand, and I will provide an outside, fresh perspective to your content.

Here’s the thing…you save money because instead of hiring a full-time employee to grow your content, you can hire me to make your brand shine only when needed.

I write from a place of knowing; I have been in hot meetings in the corner office and solved problems on the retail sales floor; I properly source and conduct research and am skilled at finding facts to back up core ideas.

C. Cad é fírinne amháin fút féin nó faoi do ghnó nach mbeadh a fhios ag formhór na ndaoine?

I love to laugh at stuff, and I always watch out for where the humor might be; you have to keep things in perspective. Let's face it, most of us are not out there saving lives every day; it's just business.

C. Cá bhfeiceann tú do ghnó ag dul sna 5 nó 10 mbliana atá romhainn?

We live in a fascinating time of disruption with A.I. right now and it's getting more prevalent fast. Anyone, and I mean anyone, can generate a 1,500-word blog article on fly fishing in the Canadien Rockies. A.I. is just another tool; do I use it? Hell-yes! It can be a fast research aid.

But watch out, some A.I. content generated needs to be corrected, is under copyright, lacks nuance, and can be lifeless without emotion. That could damage your reputation.

With robots running around we are still going to need humans to keep them in context. You still need a head coach.

C. Bhí sé chomh iontach suí leat chun níos mó a fhoghlaim fút féin agus faoi do chuideachta. Conas is féidir le daoine tuilleadh eolais a fháil fút féin agus faoi do ghnó?

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C. Go raibh míle maith agat as do scéal a roinnt le hAirteagail IASHP!

Thank you, great questions; this was awesome!

Tá scéal ag gach gnó. Ba mhaith le hailt ón IAHSP do scéal a insint.

Le hAirteagail, leagaimid béim ar an iliomad gnó a dhéanann suas agus a bhaineann le gnó Staging Home agus Real Estate. Cuirimid béim ar ghnólachtaí áitiúla chun foghlaim conas a thosaigh siad, cad a dhéanann uathúil iad agus cén áit a bhfuil siad ag dul. Roinn na scéalta a léann tú le do líonra sóisialta agus cuidigh le daoine eile teacht ar ghnóthaí áitiúla atá ag déanamh rudaí iontacha ar fud an domhain.

Tá scéal ag gach gnó. Ba mhaith linn do chuid a roinnt.





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