I leader del capitolo IAHSP cambiano le comunità
Condurre un nuovo capitolo ti aiuta a crescere aiutando gli altri ad avere successo
Diventare un capogruppo è uno dei modi più gratificanti per entrare in contatto con la tua comunità locale, restituendo allo stesso tempo.
I capitoli IAHSP la pensano diversamente.
IAHSP apprezza e supporta i nostri capitoli con portali online, risorse per eventi, sponsorizzazioni nazionali e modi per monetizzare il tuo capitolo.
Giusto. Monetizza il tuo capitolo.
I capi capitolo IAHSP sono imprenditori molto impegnati.
Ed entrambi riconosciamo e apprezziamo il tempo e l'impegno necessari per gestire un Capitolo. E noi
What We Do
Educational workshops, panels and discussions, not pitches.
This is an environment for authentic connections, with networking and collaboration.
IAHSP is run for the community, by the community.

How We Do It
1. Events are every 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 6:30pm (10 months out of the year), globally.
2. Each event typically features either a local or national brand presenter, or a guest speaker.
3. Chapter events are Streamed Live via Facebook or LinkedIn.
4. Events are always free and open to the public, with free coffee.
5. Presenting businesses must offer educational topics, without "selling" from the front of the room.
6. Presentations lasts 15-20 minutes and are followed by a 20-minute Q&A session.
7. After the Q&A, the question is posed to the audience: “What can we, as a community, do to help you?”. Followed by community announcements and networking.
Before You Start
Take a moment to acknowledge that the IAHSP program is centered around creating a connection between business owners and their community. It’s an opportunity for an entrepreneur to authentically connect with colleagues, around ideas -- and needs -- in an environment that can provide answers, helping the entrepreneur take the next step in starting or growing their business.
IAHSP Members are businesspeople, first.

IAHSP is a valuable tool in helping to provide a platform for connecting and educating business owners, and teams building communities.
IAHSP Community Groups and the local populace they serve "is IAHSP". You "are" IAHSP.
Through the application process, we want to ensure that this is the right fit for a community and the businesspeople it serves.
We encourage you to critically evaluate what is best for your community’s needs and goals.
Cosa comporta l'esecuzione di un capitolo?
Diventare membro
Formare un
Formare un
Pianifica il tuo
Cosa ci guadagni?
Costruisci comunità
The IAHSP® Community Group launch process varies on the team time, commitment, and follow-through on action items during the various steps of the process are important. Starting an IAHSP Community Group takes an average of three months.
Istruzione e formazione
Community Groups play host to many educational programs, led by educators in a variety of niches, as well as vendor partnerships. The access to education and vendor partners is an incredible benefit to Community Leaders, as you become the center and connector to a large network of local, national and international brands, groups and thought leaders. IAHSP works with the local Community Groups to facilitate speakers and speaker series covering a wide range of topics and professions.
Sedi e partnership
IAHSP International is committed to establishing partnerships with national and international brands, to facilitate Community Group locations, in order to host and sponsor regular meetings, events, speaker series, educational opportunities, and fun excursions to help build community. It's through these partnerships that you would be proud to host and welcome a variety of guests, professions and industries into your Community Group to connect, learn and grow their own businesses.
Entrate e opportunità
Each Community Group can generate revenues to help support and grow within your local area. And you are not alone! It's IAHSP International's commitment to find and introduce local, national and international partnerships to help sponsor and fund each Community Group. Through the combined effort of local Community Group's ability to generate funding, and the commitment from IAHSP International to support the Community Groups through funding, Community Groups will have the ability to host: - Membership drives - Paid events - Rev share for speaker series - Expo attendance drives - Donations - Holiday parties - Buyer tour drives - and more! Through a rev share, IAHSP makes it possible to generate revenues to help support each Community Group, so that we can help Build IAHSP, together.
Sedi e partnership
IAHSP strives to provide a consistent and regular opportunity to engage and participate in our program. By holding ALL Community Group meetings on the same date and same time, each month, globally, members and non-members can come to expect and anticipate the regularity of Community Group Meetings. Providing a regular schedule also provides a sense of stability and security. As a business professional, there are enough unforeseen issues that pop-up throughout your day. IAHPS Community Group meetings should not be complicated. The regularity also makes running and planning a Chapter’s schedule a tiny bit easier for our Chapter Leadership.
What is the agenda like?
Each Community Group is responsible for finding at least ten (10) speakers or panel discussions for the year (we only hold regular meetings ten months of the year). 6:30pm – Open Networking 6:45pm – Opening introduction 6:50pm – Guest speaker, panel, etc. 7:30pm – Audience Q&A 7:40pm – Community announcement and local events 7:45pm – Open networking
Sedi e partnership
Yes. Definitely! IAHSP Community Groups MUST maintain the regular, monthly schedule. But we highly encourage planning other events, based on your local neiborhood needs. To help support this, IAHSP continues to develop ways to help fund your local Community Group, specifically so that you can afford more events and activities.
Is there leadership support?
Yes. Each Community Group has a Regional Director. Their job is to stay connected with you, provide resources and assist you with the support you need for your Community Group. Your Regional Director will hold regular meetings with you and your fellow regional Community Group, to voice concerns, accomplishments and the needs of local Community Groups. Your Regional Director reports to our Director of Community Development. The Director of Community Development works with the Regional Directors to develop programs and create initiatives to support local Community Groups.
Sedi e partnership
Titles are important. They help establish a sense of authority and standing within a populace. The focus of IAHSP Community Group is “service”. The goal of each Community Group is to serve its local community. As such, the titles for Community Groups are: Community Leader Community Co-Organizer Both theCommunity Leader and the Co-Organizers should serve as ambassadors of both their Local Community Group, and their Local neighborhoods. You ARE the face of IAHSP in your local area.
Can we charge local membership dues?
For the time being, “yes”. Though, as we transition to the new model, we will discontinue local Community Group membership dues. Instead, each Community Group will generate revenue as part of both a Revenue Share through our IAHSP Referrals Program, as well as Individual Community Group Sponsorship. We believe this will result in a more inclusive Community Group Program, while producing greater local funding.
Sedi e partnership
First, we thank you for your service and commitment. You have made IAHSP what it is to date. Now, we ask for your continued commitment and service as we move forward with this new model. We believe that this new model will help you build a stronger, more productive local presence and Community. With this New Model, IAHSP commits to you, our support and resources, in order to assist you in ways that we may not have in the past. We have adopted the slogan, “Lets build IAHSP, together”. Which is as much an ask, as it is a commitment from IAHSP Corporate, to work together with you to build IAHSP into an association that you can be proud of.