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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.

The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features. 

Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.

Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
Q. Gratias aget ut tempus sedeat nobiscum ut fabulam tuam cum legentibus communicemus. Potesne incipias a communione aliquantulum de te et de societate tua?

Yes, thanks for having me. I have been in the Real Estate Staging Industry since 2007. I live in Metro-Atlanta and found my ideal client to be Investors. In 2018, approaching Superbowl LIII in Atlanta, I started helping investors prepare their properties for STR. I fell in love with STR design. In 2022, I shut down my staging business and started Vacation Rental in a Box and doing STR designing full-time.

Q. Suae quisque fabulam quomodo incepit, quaenam inspiratio aut catalyst tibi negotium tuum proficiscens?

I mentioned the Superbowl, which was the original catalyst, but when the pandemic hit, I feel in love with staying home with my kids and knew in my gut that I needed to make a shift so that I could have more quality of life. I have learned most changes occur because life kind of pushes you that way. So, in 2021, I had a few health issues and asked myself what was important to me. I loved being home and I loved traveling. The answer changed my mindset from staging to design and now I design STRs all over the country.

Q. Quae officia tibi offerre? Et cur haec officia particularia vis offerre?

I offer STR Design, mostly vacant properties but also offer refreshing of existing properties.
I also teach other designers and stagers how to do what I do.

Q. Habuistine umquam consilium aut emptorem, ubi omnia peccabant aut inceptum provocabat? Potesne communicare circa illud tempus, et quomodo solutionem invenisti, vel provocationem superveniendi?

With design, everything is about logistics and making sure we have the right product in a realistic timeframe.

brands ut omnis domus stager ut cognoscat

Q. Cursor negotium est non semper facile. Quid de te tuisque rebus didicisti, cum deducis societatem?

To keep the vacation mindset. Allowing myself to enjoy quality of life so that my creativity isn't compromised. This includes staying in short term rentals as well when traveling.

Q. Lorem omnes habuimus vel molestie vel elit, ut id ipsum agimus, dui. Potesne nobiscum communicare fabulam de emplyeo, venditore vel emptore qui te vere impingente et cor tuum tetigit?

Many of my clients are in the medical field, nurses, doctors, pharmacists. Watching them grow and seeing their properties take off has been incredible to experience.

Q. Si in tempore redire posses, et consilium aliquod tibi dares in quo negotio tuo administrarem aut crescerem, quid tibi consilium dares?

Get a business coach and an accountant straight away.

Q. Si clientis potentialis hunc articulum nunc legebat, quid de te diceres, te, turmam tuam, vel negotium tuum, quod eos eligere tuum consortium argueret?

Our goal is to hone in the right demographic so we can design a space that will make you the most money in the long term.

Q. Quid, quod unum de te vel de tuo negotio, quod plerique, nesciant?

That I own three short-term rentals properties myself in Broken Bow, OK, Park City, UT and Sedona, AZ through an investment group collaboration. And I also want to own a tiny home and start a Southern Irish Restaurant in Plymouth, MA.

Q. Ubi vides negotium tuum in proximo 5 vel 10 anno exeuntem?

Taking off, we are growing so rapidly already. I would like to have an on-demand teaching platform. I am currently developing one on Kajabi.

Q. tantus erat apud te consessus discere plura de te ac de tua societate. Quomodo homines plura inveniunt de te et de tuo negotio?

My website is a great place to start!

Q. Gratias tibi tam pro communicando fabulam tuam cum IASHP Articulis!

My pleasure.

Omnis res habet fabulam. Articuli per IAHSP fabulam tuam indicare vult.

Cum Articulis, multa negotia quae faciunt et circumdant negotia Domus Staging et Real Estate illustramus. Colamus negotia localia discere quomodo inceperunt, quid eas singulares faciat et quo tendant. Fabulas quas legisti cum retis socialibus communica et adiuva alios negotia locorum inveniunt quae mirabilia faciunt, globally.

Omnis res habet fabulam. communicare volumus tuum.





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