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IAHSP Featured Listing
Create your own press to drive more traffic to your listings!

IAHSP Featured Listings make it easy to drive more traffic to your listings, and create more press.
Let's face it, Google LOVES backlinks.
With IAHSP Featured Listings you can easily share your Featured Listing on social media, email and your website, creating more backlinks to drive more traffic to your listings.
How it works...
Step 1
Create Your Featured Listing
This includes photos, a summary and links to the MLS or other URL
Step 2
Review & Confirmation
We will review your submission, then approve send you your custom URL
Step 3
Share Your Listing URL
Now it's up to you to share your Featured Listing URL on social, email and website
Create Your Featured Listing
This could be the article that takes your business to the next level!
Let's get your latest listing published!
Simply fill out the form, and we will turn it into your own published Featured Listing.
This information will only be used for in-house customer service and will not be listed on your public, published, article.
This information will be used publicly in your Featured Listing article.
Use this section to share your contact information, about you and your company.
After submitting your Featured Listing, we will review your submission then send you an email with your shareable URL to begin promoting your feature.
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