June Carter
of GYST* Solutions
Gepubliceerd op:
November 14, 2022
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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.
The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features.
Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.
Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
V. Bedankt dat je de tijd hebt genomen om bij ons te zitten om je verhaal met onze lezers te delen. Kun je beginnen met iets over jou en je bedrijf te vertellen?
Thanks for having me. I'm June Carter. I'm the founder of GYST* Solutions. My career has taken some twists and turns that brought me to being a Home Stager. I majored in Interior Design and worked for many years designing offices in the New York tri state area. When I moved to Florida I started Home Staging. Like many Home Stagers I also became a Professional Organizer. Like many Professional Organizers I also become a Certified Life Coach. Then I became the IAHSP Home Stager Coach allowing me to coach and mentor Home Stagers to be successful in their business. Teaching the Accredited Staging Professional (ASP) course to new and aspiring Home Stagers is a particularly wonderful experience for me. I really enjoy supporting Home Stagers to visualize and achieve their goals.
V. Iedereen heeft een verhaal over hoe ze zijn begonnen, wat was de inspiratie of de katalysator voor het starten van uw bedrijf?
After many years of designing commercial office space in New York I was moving to Amelia Island in northeast Florida and seeking a new career path that would use my Interior Design background. As we were walking through a house with our real estate agent he asked me what I did and when I said Interior Design. He then asked if I could stage houses for him and I said yes. That night I signed up for my first Home Staging course and never looked back.
V. Welke diensten bieden jullie aan? En waarom heb je ervoor gekozen om die specifieke diensten aan te bieden?
I am the Home Stager Coach for IAHSP. As an ICF ACC level Certified Productivity Coach I coach and mentor Home Stagers to visualize their best selves in work, live and home while providing support to create a structure to achieve those goals.
With a degree in fine arts and a career in Interior Design ad Home Staging I am aware that many highly creative people don't get the input in their education and career as to how to be both creative and successful at business. I am passionate about supporting Home Stagers to be successful from creativity to business.
V. Heb je ooit een project of klant gehad waarbij alles fout ging of het project uitdagend was? Kun je vertellen over die tijd en hoe heb je een oplossing gevonden of de uitdaging overwonnen?
Northern Florida is a cliché in that there are many older people and retirees. I developed a niche in Home Staging for elderly people. Many elderly people don't know what the internet is or are very scared by it They don't understand that pictures of their house will be on the internet for the public to see. Many elderly people are moving into assisted living form a long term home and are very upset over it. I use my Life Coaching skills to hold their space literally and figuratively while they tell me their stories. The most challenging was when we got there and the homeowner was face down in the washing machine after a small stoke. We called an ambulance and stayed with her.
Luckily she had a friend there so we could call her family. After that I added a spot for an emergency contact on my intake form.
merken die elke home stager zou moeten kennen
V. Een bedrijf runnen is niet altijd gemakkelijk. Wat heb je geleerd over jezelf en je bedrijf sinds de lancering van je bedrijf?
Balance in my life, work and home is critical to me. I am a high energy person and successful at multi tasking. But, I must delegate responsibilities to others and out source when needed. I cannot do it all.
V. We hebben allemaal wel eens een werknemer of een klant gehad waardoor wat we doen de moeite waard is. Kun je een verhaal met ons delen over een werknemer, verkoper of klant die echt indruk op je heeft gemaakt en je hart heeft geraakt?
I have had several Home Staging assistants that treated my projects as if they were were their own businesses. Long hours, hard work and beautiful results. In gratitude I have provided coaching and mentoring to these assistants so they can go off and fly on their own.
V. Als u terug in de tijd zou kunnen gaan en uzelf advies zou kunnen geven over hoe u uw bedrijf kunt beheren of laten groeien, welk advies zou u uzelf dan geven?
I waiting to buy my own inventory until I had a really big project that paid for all it. I wish I had bought my own Home Staging inventory sooner.
V. Als een potentiële klant dit artikel nu zou lezen, wat zou u hem dan vertellen over u, uw team of uw bedrijf dat hem zou overtuigen om voor uw bedrijf te kiezen?
GYST* Success Coaching delivers value through Life Coaching to help you *Keep Your Stuff Together and help you achieve your goals. Your creativity in your business provides the freedom to walk your path and break conventional boundaries while achieving your passion and goals. When you partner with GYST* Success Coaching you will benefit from gains in increased productivity and focus on what you love.
Increase revenue and have a success business with GYST* Success Coaching. You can manifest your successful business while focusing on the creative side on your business with the support of GYST* Coaching
V. Wat is een feit over u of uw bedrijf dat de meeste mensen misschien niet weten?
Other Home Stagers have brought me into Interior Design projects to handle the home offices in the residence. My background in designing commercial space translates well into home offices.
V. Waar ziet u uw bedrijf de komende 5 of 10 jaar naartoe gaan?
GYST* Solutions will continue to expand as a coaching business focusing on creative people especially Home Stagers.
V. Het was zo geweldig om bij u te zitten om meer over u en uw bedrijf te weten te komen. Hoe kunnen mensen meer over u en uw bedrijf te weten komen?
I have two websites www.GYST.Solutions and www.GYST-Coachong.com. Please visit both to see the full scope of my services I am very active on social media and love new friends and connections. Find me!
V. Heel erg bedankt voor het delen van uw verhaal met IASHP Articles!
Thank you for the opportunity and you are most welcome!