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IAHSP® Welcomes New Global Operations Director


American Businessman James Cash Penney, founder of JC Penney, used to say: “growth is never by chance; it is the result of forces working together”. Quotes like this inspire many successful businesses worldwide, including the IAHSP® – International Association of Home Staging Professionals®.

As an institution, the IAHSP® have implemented the semantics of this quote as the driving force for continuously raising its standards, pushing the Home Staging industry forward worldwide.

Being the largest and longest running Home Staging Industry Trade Association with thousands of members worldwide since 1999, the IAHSP® believes that excellence in education and high professional standards are paramount for the success of Home Staging as an activity, and it has spared no efforts to promote exactly that.

The Association is now ready for its next important step which will benefit the industry as a whole in all corners of the world.

With a global expansion in mind, which allows the IAHSP® to promote the activity and to support stagers around the world, Paloma Harrington-Griffin, the VP of IAHSP®Europe, is joining IAHSP®’s international team as the Global Operations Director.

Paloma will share her expertise and assist with the Association’s global network, making sure all opportunities to strengthen our activity are seized in all territories, building momentum and allowing the representation of Home Staging to expand and grow.

About Paloma Harrington-Griffin and the role

Paloma Harrington- Griffin is an award-winning ASP® Accredited Home Staging Professional, Expert Interior Stylist and Luxury Staging Specialist.

With knowledge and experience within Home Staging, Paloma is the Vice President of the IAHSP®Europe, the Founder of the Home Staging Association UK & Ireland, and Co-Founder of the first Brazilian Home Staging Hub and School, Núcleo de Home Staging.

An entrepreneur at heart, she believes in empowering people through knowledge, education and support. This means that seamlessly, fulfilling the role of assisting with worldwide associations and members, the IAHSP® plan is also fulfilled.

IAHSP®’s new venture focuses on reaching out to new members globally, keeping up the high standards regarding educational and professional opportunities on an international level, and guiding Home Staging institutions into success.

The role entails expanding, networking and supporting in unity to build a united global foundation to increase engagement levels, making the Home Staging Industry the best we have seen yet.



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