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International Association of Home Staging Professionals (IAHSP) launching NEW Regional Chapters nati

IAHSP Regional Chapter logo - generic

NEW IAHSP CHAPTERS LAUNCHING all over the US!  IAHSP was the first professional association to offer local chapters for its members and is proud to pioneer this concept where Home Staging industry professionals can gather together for ongoing education and support.  The importance of having these resources is met with our IAHSP Regional Chapters and members.  Members openly share about market trends, tips on what is working for Staging, and business building information.

We are excited to be launching IAHSP Regional Chapters in the following regions:

  1. Columbus, OH

  2. Indianapolis, IN

  3. Nashville, TN

  4. Orlando, FL

  5. Phoenix, AZ

  6. Sarasota/Tampa, FL

  7. Seattle, WA

  8. Europe

If you are in one of these areas and would like to join the Regional IAHSP Chapter for ongoing support, professional networking, monthly events, ongoing education, and access to national and regional discounts, please let us know!

If you do not have a chapter in your area, you can join any of our existing chapters that accept REMOTE MEMBERS.  You can conference in to chapter meetings and participate from your home.  No member needs to be without valuable camaraderie and support as they grow their business!

Want to start a chapter where you live?  Please let us know and we will help you!

Email or – Our dedicated IAHSP Membership Directors.

IAHSP is dedicated to to advancing the education of the professional Home Stager and Realtor® as they prepare homes for sale. IAHSP® members strive to serve the public to the best of their ability built upon the principles, practices, and education of approved Home Staging courses and designations.


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