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On the 3rd Day Before Christmas, IAHSP Gave to me . . .


On the 3rd Day Before Christmas IAHSP Gave to Me -Your Luxury Home Staging Designation!  If you want to break into this market niche or learn more about how to refine what you already do for Luxury Properties, then you are coming to the right Conference! 

IAHSP is your GETAWAY with a TAKEAWAY!  Our Conferences always have a high-education level and we are the ONLY industry conference that actually GIVES YOU added CREDENTIALS that you EARN at our conference!!  This IAHSP-LHS Designation will be taught by Debbie Boggs, Blair Hamaty, Sandra Holmes, and Karen Mendenhall – all top Stagers in their markets and leaders in our industry!  The Designation comes INCLUDED with your 2018 IAHSP Conference & EXPO ticket! 

Go to to get your ticket before prices go up!!

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