Shauntelle Parham
Infinite Possibilities Home Organizing & Staging LLC
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Every business has a story. We want to share yours.
The International Association of Home Staging Professionals is proud to highlight business owners and companies in an around the business of Home Staging, Real Estate, Design, and Short-term Rental, though our IAHSP Articles Features.
Our goal is to highlight and explore the various business models and services that are offered throughout our ecosystem and community, giving both the public and our membership the ability to learn more about the businesses and services available through our vast network of service providers and businesses.
Let's dive right into our latest IAHSP Article.
P. Obrigado por reservar um tempo para se sentar conosco para compartilhar sua história com nossos leitores. Você pode começar compartilhando um pouco sobre você e sua empresa?
Thanks for having me! My name is Shauntelle and I’m the founder of Infinite Possibilities Home Organizing & Staging LLC. We offer staging, design, and home organization services in the Houston, TX area.
P. Todo mundo tem uma história sobre como começou, qual foi a inspiração ou o catalisador para você começar seu negócio?
I’ve always been very passionate about design but what inspired me to take that initial step to do things on a professional level was when potential clients started asking me to do business with them. I had realtors asking me if I would be interested in staging, homeowners asking me to make their spaces beautiful, friends asking for my help with their projects, etc. It was known that I was passionate about what I do and they loved my work. That’s when I decided to do what I should have done many years ago and launch my business.
P. Quais serviços você oferece? E por que você escolheu oferecer esses serviços específicos?
I offer Vacant Home Staging, Occupied Home Staging, Decluttering & Home Organization, Redesign services, and Short Term Rental Styling.
I chose to offer these services because there is a need for all of them. I wanted to be versatile so that I can meet multiple needs for my clients. Sometimes when I stage a home, the buyer of that home will ask if I can style their home once they move in. They may even ask me to help organize their new home to take the stress away for an easy move in transition. By doing this, I’m able to obtain 3 jobs with the same property.
When it comes to short term rental styling, there is a huge need. Many of these properties are quite expensive so its very important to make that investment to hire a professional designer in an effort to create that resort-like experience for the guests. That will not only attract more bookings but lead to great reviews and return clients!
P. Você já teve um projeto ou cliente em que tudo estava dando errado ou o projeto era desafiador? Você pode compartilhar sobre aquela época e como você encontrou uma solução ou superou o desafio?
Yes I did! I was scheduled to stage a home and on the morning of the stage, the movers were nowhere to be found and I couldn’t get a hold of them! They weren’t responding but I was determined to get the job done so I gathered my son and his friends at the last minute and we got it done! The home turned out beautiful! Then when it was time to de-stage the home, I hired new movers and guess what? They were nowhere to be found either! I then hired a third company at the last minute which actually arrived as expected but were completely unprofessional, damaged some of my inventory, and actually bled on my white sofa! After this experience I did my research and found a great reputable moving company that has been very reliable and I’ve used them many times over. And they’re insured!
marcas que todo home stager deveria conhecer
P. Administrar um negócio nem sempre é fácil. O que você aprendeu sobre você e sua empresa, desde o lançamento de sua empresa?
That I can’t do it all! I had to learn that if I continued to do everything myself instead of hiring assistance, I would wear myself out. It’s very important to take time for self care and enjoy life!
P. Todos nós já tivemos um funcionário ou um cliente que fez o que estamos fazendo valer a pena. Você pode compartilhar conosco uma história sobre um funcionário, fornecedor ou cliente que realmente o impactou e tocou seu coração?
I’ve been really impacted by those who took a chance on me in the very beginning. They were really supportive which opened up many opportunities for me and I greatly appreciate everything they’ve done for me. The one that touched me the most was a realtor who knew that I was new to the business yet he went above and beyond to get my name out there. I will always appreciate him for that!
P. Se você pudesse voltar no tempo e dar a si mesmo alguns conselhos sobre como gerenciar ou expandir seus negócios, que conselho você daria a si mesmo?
I would prioritize getting the business side of things done before spending money on unnecessary items in the beginning. I would save and reinvest in the business. I would then network, network, network! Understanding the value in the relationships that you build with people in your industry will take you very far. I would also hire a social media manager to assist with marketing. Have a plan for the slow months whether that be having additional streams of income, offering additional services such as holiday decorating, or simply saving money. And finally, be your own #1 fan. People won’t take you seriously at first but don’t let them get in the way of your vision or success!
P. Se um cliente em potencial estivesse lendo este artigo agora, o que você diria a ele sobre você, sua equipe ou sua empresa que o convenceria a escolher sua empresa?
Staging and design is an art however, I combine professionalism with my craft by identifying as a certified staging design professional with Staging Studio which is an accredited staging training program. I’ve always had a natural talent for design, but I still needed to learn the business side of things along with the technical parts of design. I decided to invest in this training which took me even further because it gave me the ability to become well rounded within my business.
I’m also a current member with professional staging organizations such as the Real Estate Staging Association and the International Association of Home Staging Professionals. In addition, my company is not only insured but I offer my clients staging risk management insurance as well to insure that my client is covered whether there’s an environmental disaster, theft, or damage.
From a design standpoint, I stage a home in a way that makes people want to live there due to my attention to detail. I think of the smallest minute details such as the smells in the air, the textures in the fabrics and art, and the greenery throughout which really makes a house a home.
P. Qual é um fato sobre você ou sua empresa que a maioria das pessoas pode não saber?
One fact that people might not know is that I’m a foster parent and I mentor teenage girls as well. I am very caring and have a huge heart so I really try to help others if I’m able to even if its challenging. These are children from hard places and it takes a special kind of person to give them support and guide them through their trauma and struggles.
P. Para onde você vê sua empresa indo nos próximos 5 ou 10 anos?
I see myself running a successful interior design and staging business while continuing to grow and build relationships. I also have plans to add medical office interior design services. I have over 10 years experience in the medical field and can offer more insight from a medical perspective than the average designer.
P. Foi ótimo sentar com você para aprender mais sobre você e sua empresa. Como as pessoas podem saber mais sobre você e sua empresa?
They can reach out to me by phone, email, through my website or social media!
Phone: 832-990-9877
Email: info@iphomestaging.com
Website: www.iphomestaging.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/iphomestaging
Facebook: www.facebook.com/iphomestaging
P. Muito obrigado por compartilhar sua história com os artigos da IASHP!
You’re welcome! It was a pleasure!