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Consultation and Communication Specialist Course

  • 3 steg
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Staging Consultations are a great way to earn income as as professional stager. Understanding how to conduct this service, how to prepare a summary, how best to communicate with clients so they want to implement recommendations and do not resist change is key. This course teaches you the fundamentals of the 5 types of Staging consultations, and how to best communicate with real estate agents and homeowners so you preserve relationship while sharing the importance of staging to prepare a house for sale. The course includes understanding temperaments and how to work with them - as well as other bonus information in this 4 hour webinar that is taught in two 2-hour sessions. Course includes: Course Handouts Consultation Forms and Templates Role Playing Scripts Communication Strategies

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295,00 US$


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Consultation and Communication Specialist Course

Consultation and Communication Specialist Course

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